Hello readers.! Woohoo~
I've get into this little girl's accout& help her post about today.
Shall not tell you who i am first :D
Okays, we went shopping today at a few places.
& we took the taxi four times today.
Okays, this little girl bought 6 keychains for 6 of her friends today.
& she bought one keychain from billabong for herself (:
She wanted to buy a wallet but she couldn't find a suitable one.
& next was a pair of slippers she was looking for but same thing,
she couldn't find a suitable one too. Sad ):
Then the t-shirts that she saw was either too expensive,
too large or SHE DON'T LIKE IT.!
So in the end, she only got a keychain D:
Okays, i shall end here now.
I'm such a nice person to help her post here. Just kidding lahs (:
I'm helping her because she's too lazy now. Lols.
& lastly, before i click on the orange button with the words
publish post, i'm JASLINE here helping her post.
Byebye& takecares.! :DDDDDDDDDDDD